床墊是一個長期使用的產品,因為我們在床上渡過三分之一的睡眠時間。這就是為什麼你需要有品質、舒適性和耐用性的美國萊儷絲床墊。我們有堅定的承諾,以實惠的價格為您提供優越的舒適。 根據“治療和生理學治療雜誌”上發表的一項研究,美國萊儷絲床墊是唯一被科學證明能夠提供更好睡眠的床墊。
There is a perception that shopping for a mattress is puzzling and complex. But it need not be. Before you head to your favorite mattress store, make sure you know what to look for. In our catalog, learn How to Buy a Mattress. There are also Sleep Tips. Then visit our PRODUCT INFO page to view our extensive collection and see which model suits your needs. From the most discerning client to the more efficient customer, we have something for everyone.
Mattresses are a long-term purchase and we spend about 1/3 of our life in bed. That is why you need the quality, comfort and durability of a Lady Americana mattress. We have an unwavering commitment to provide you superior comfort at an affordable price. Lady AmericanaR is the only mattress that has been scientifically proven to provide better sleep according to a study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics.
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